Message from the Mayor
Incorporated in 1988, Mount Pearl is a young City. Our thirty-year history has been shaped by strong leadership, robust service delivery, a vibrant economic base and most importantly, a community that shares our passion and commitment to this City. However, the process of building a great community never ends. As we reflect on our history, we must ask ourselves, what is next for Mount Pearl? What is on the horizon and how do we get there?
Our Strategic Plan—On the Horizon—will help guide decision-making in our City as we move forward for the next four years and beyond. The Plan will ensure we make the right choices as we continue to build our community through sustainable infrastructure, develop innovative live-work neighbourhoods, focus on urban renewal, embrace technology and find new ways to enhance service delivery and connect with our business community.
It will set priorities and focus our efforts on specific areas that will make our vision for Mount Pearl a reality. All City Council and staff are committed to the On the Horizon Strategic Plan. We are committed to ensuring Mount Pearl is leading the way in progress while continuing to be the City in which you are proud to live and work. Most importantly, we are committed to results and will be preparing an annual “progress report” to track our efforts, highlight our successes, and communicate our progress along the way.
This is not the end of the process; in fact, it is just the beginning. This work is underway, but we can’t do it alone. We’re counting on you—our residents, businesses, community leaders and partners. On behalf of Council, I ask you to take an active part in driving our community forward and reaching our bold vision for the future.
By working together, we will not only be ready for what is on the horizon—we will be driving it.
– Mayor Dave Aker
The plan in motion
Strategic Pillars

Digital transformation will be a corner- stone of our economic development strategy through the A1Next initiative. Technology and innovation will under- pin everything we do. The City will lead by adopting technology to en- hance our internal operations, en- gagement and service to the public.

Citizen engagement encourages two-way communication with our citizens, businesses and key partners within the City and on the Northeast Avalon. It means encouraging engagement among and between residents, groups and organizations, building capacity for volunteerism and sustainable growth and development.

Enhanced service delivery will focus on a return to the basics, ensuring that residents are getting the best service we can provide. We will adopt “Make it Better” as our service commitment, reminding us that City Council and staff are here to serve the citizens of Mount Pearl.

Sustainable infrastructure will guide new capital expenditure and enable prioritization and investment to meet capital replacement needs. We will enhance our asset management and identify sustainable approaches, adopting emerging technology and green approaches wherever possible.

Economic development will diversify and increase our commercial and residential tax base. Through renewed marketing activities and strategic partnerships with our business community, we will attract new businesses and residents, support existing businesses to grow, and enable new industry to settle in Mount Pearl.

Urban renewal will encompass all of our physical, natural and cultural assets. We will work to re-energize our older residential and commercial areas and will build on our current network of trails through a renewed emphasis on integrating Waterford River restoration within our plans.

Good governance will ensure that Council and senior management can effectively fulfill its responsibilities on behalf of citizens. Investing in our people will build a team that will make the Mount Pearl the best managed municipality in the province.
We want your input
An important part of our plan is engagement with the people of Mount Pearl. So please get in touch and let us know your thoughts on the Strategic Plan. We will not share any of your information publically and we will be in touch to confirm receipt of your comments within a few business days.